If you’ve tried to install Blackberry Enterprise Server 5.0 sp3 you have probably seen the error that the update is not possible until you remove the Blackberry MDS Integration Service.
The easier way to remove the Blackberry MDS Integration Service is to re-install the Blackberry Enterprise Server 5.0 sp2 on your server and just uncheck the Blackberry MDS Integration Service during the installation. After you remove the MDS integration service you have to install SP2 mr2 or later on your server and remove the Blackberry MDS Integration Service from the Blackberry Administration Console and the Blackberry database.
You can remove the service from the Administration Console using this steps:
1. Once the installation has completed, log in to the BlackBerry Administrative Service.
2. Under Servers and Components, expand BlackBerry Solution Topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component View> BlackBerry Enterprise Server, and click the server name.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the resulting page and click Edit Instance.
4. In the Supported MDS Integration Service instance names, click the drop-down list and select the blank space above the existing entry.
Click Save All.
5. Go back to Servers and Components, expand BlackBerry Solution Topology > BlackBerry Domain, and click Component View.
6. Scroll to the MDS Integration Service heading, and click the Delete icon to delete the instance.
7. Click Yes – Delete the instance.
8. When prompted to confirm, click Yes – Delete the instance.
9. From Windows Services restart the services named BlackBerry Administration Service – Application Server and BlackBerry Administration Service – Native Code Container
After you remove the service you can upgrade your Blackberry Enterprise Server to 5.0 sp3 mr 4.
Optionally you can use this steps to upgrade and remove the MDS Integration Service from with the CreateDB.exe included with the sp3 installation:
- Extract the BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP3 software to a folder.
- Navigate to the folder above and double-click the Database folder.
- In the Database folder, right-click the BESMgmt.cfg file and choose to open it with Notepad.
- In this file, make the following changes:
- For CMD=Install, change Install to Upgrade.
- For DATABASE_NAME=BESMgmt, replace BESMgmt with the name of The BlackBerry Configuration Database, if different.
- For SERVER=local if required, update this value with the name of the Microsoft® SQL Server® that the BlackBerry Configuration Database is hosted on. If an instance is used, specify it as SERVERNAMEINSTANCENAME.
- If necessary, populate the MSSQL_PORT= value with the port of your Microsoft SQL Server if different than 1433.
- If using Microsoft SQL Server Authentication, populate the USERID= andPASSWORD= values with a Microsoft SQL Server Authentication account that has System Administrator privileges.
- Change BACKUP=false to BACKUP=true.
- If required, change BES_TYPE=Exchange to Domino if the mail platform being used is IBM® Lotus® Domino®.
- From the menu in Notepad, click File > Save and close the file.
- Double-click the CreateDB.exe file in the same folder as the BESMgmt.cfg file.
- Proceed with the installation of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP3 upgrade.